Specialized occupational therapy

Transitional age youth and young adults (16 to 24 year olds) including those who are in transition from state custody or foster care or those who are experiencing Autism or other developmental disabilities.
Adults with sensory processing problems

Our Occupational Therapists tailor the approach and design an individualized treatment plan.

We work with clients who are seeking services for the first time and those who have previously received occupational therapy services, but require updated strategies to gain new and age appropriate tools.  This is especially helpful during periods of transition, social pressure, or increased academic or work demands.

 Occupational Therapy providers meet the unique needs of our patients by focusing treatment around purposeful activities. Client and family education is provided to establish home programs to increase functional skills beyond the clinic.

Occupational Therapy services also focus on addressing limitations in:

Upper extremity coordination, range of motion or strength following injury or due to medical conditions such as arthritis.
Independent living skills such as cooking and housekeeping
Community living skills such as money management, shopping, and transportation
Pre-employment work readiness skills