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Pediatric Occupational Therapy

OT focuses on daily living activities and tasks such as adaptive behavior, play, sensory processing, motor development, and self-help skills. Your child’s Occupational Therapist can help achieve full potential in the following areas:

  1. Self regulation
  2. Behavioral organization and tolerance for transitions
  3. Gross and fine motor coordination
  4. Visual motor skills for handwriting and keyboarding skills
  5. Balance, coordination, core strength, and postural control
  6. Sensory Processing and regulation
  7. Organizational skills to improve performance in home, school, and community
  8. Play and interaction skills
  9. Self care skills such as dressing and grooming
  10. Executive functioning, problem solving, direction following and transition skills
  11. Visual perceptual and visual motor skills
  12. Upper extremity limited range of motion, strength or grasp
  13. Feeding problems and help for picky eaters
  14. Pain management and pacing strategies
  15. Autism and ADHD