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Children can experience a range of difficulties while learning to communicate. When a child struggles with communication, the results are often frustrating.Pediatric speech therapy can help! The speech-language pathologists at New Horizons Wellness Services work with children and families to determine the best course of treatment, adapting the treatment as the needs change.
Specialty programs for:

Stuttering, stammering or disfluent speech
Feeding and Swallowing/Dysphagia

Our Speech Language Pathologists also address:

Articulation and related motor speech disorders
Cognitive and attention impairments
Expressive and receptive language disorders
Early language development
Reading fluency
Literacy and pre-literacy difficulties
Phonological difficulties
Tongue thrust
Social and play skills
Voice and resonance
Social communication and pragmatic skills

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

New Horizons Wellness Services offers specialized speech-language evaluations and therapy services for children who may benefit from an Alternative and Augmentative Communication system.

What is AAC?
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). Individuals who have challenges communicating may be a good candidates for AAC. AAC includes all of the ways we can express our thoughts, ideas, emotions and feelings.

There are two different types of AAC:
Unaided– using our body to convey messages including gestures, facial expressions, affect and sign language
Aided– using technology, communication books, symbols, language applications or speech-generating devices

How can New Horizons Wellness Services support your child in exploring AAC?
Your child’s therapeutic team including speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists and family will work together to discover your child’s strengths and challenge areas.

Areas that will be important to assess are:

  1. Total communication abilities
  1. How does your child currently communicate wants, needs, feelings and emotions?
  1. Eye contact and eye gaze
  2. Body movements
  3. Vocalizations
  4. Reaching or pointing
  5. Words and phrases
  6. Signs
  7. Picture symbols
  1. Motor abilities
  1. How will your child access a communication system?
  1. Touch screen
  2. Mouse
  3. Eye gaze
  4. Switch
  5. Auditory scanning

Your speech-language pathologist will work with your child to trial different language systems and access methods as well as specific AAC devices. They will also work with vendors and insurance companies to explore funding. It is always essential to consider family goals and the environment in which these systems will be used to ensure success!