Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often show warning signs and symptoms early in life before they are diagnosed with the disorder. New Horizons Wellness Services, LLC recommend that parents look for the following ADHD signs in children with behavioral issues. These signs of ADHD would present frequently and to a degree that is not developmentally appropriate for the child’s age.

ADHD Warning Signs

Hyperactivity – Children with ADHD are often perceived as displaying excessively high levels of energy. Signs include fidgeting with their hands and feet, getting up from their seat when expected to remain seated, and difficulty remaining quiet when participating in leisurely activities.

Lack of attention – Inattentive children have trouble paying close attention to detail, have difficulty following directions, struggle with organization skills, and do not seem to listen when addressed. Other symptoms include failing to complete assigned tasks, misplacing items such as toys, school work, books etc., and forgetfulness along with distraction throughout the day. The level of inattention observed should seem significantly different from the child’s peers.

Impulsive behavior – Children with ADHD will likely talk excessively and have trouble waiting for their turn, which can lead to blurting out responses. Examples of this include taking over games, cutting into conversations, and overreactions to seek attention, all of which make it challenging to make and keep friends. A high level of impulsive behavior will be observed frequently and in multiple settings.

If you are concerned about your child’s behavior and observe some or all of these ADHD warning signs, consider seeking a professional evaluation for your child and contact New Horizons Wellness Services, LLC at (503) 352-0240.


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