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Social Skills Group

This group follows the format of the social skills groups that are offered throughout the rest of the year, but in a condensed time frame. This group focuses on  friendship, reducing anxiety, improving the ability to manage feelings of frustration, and building confidence. Lessons and hands on activities help participants practice self-reflection, self-management, and social skills. This group provides a multidisciplinary approach and is led by Patrick Ethel-King Ph.D and is co-facilitated with occupational or speech therapy staff.This group may be covered by insurance and requires an initial assessment for participants new to the clinic.


Session One: 5-6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays June 18,20,25,27

Session Two: 5-6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays August 6,8,13,15

Sign up for one session or for both

Group registration is now open.

 Group space is limited and will be reserved on a first come-first serve basis.