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Speech therapy sessions are designed around an individualized plan of care to address your specific needs to improve your quality of life. Therapy will be conducted based on the frequency determined during an evaluation by your Speech-language pathologist. Each therapist keeps abreast of current treatment techniques through continuing education courses

Speech- language therapy services may address the following areas:

Following accident, injury, surgery
Medical conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease
Addressing limitations in communicating for social purposes or talking in different ways to suit the listener and setting often related to Autism, social communication disorders or developmental delay
Swallowing (dysphagia) and Feeding problems
Articulatory difficulties
Cognitive-communication disorders which may include problems organizing thoughts, paying attention, remembering, planning, or problem-solving.
Aphasia and receptive and expressive language disorders which occur when a person has trouble understanding others or sharing thoughts.
Dysarthria (difficult or unclear articulation) results from impaired movement of the muscles used for speech production.