Social Skills Group Overview

Some children acquire social skills, such as saying “please” and “thank you” and to wait their turn by observational learning. However, children with developmental, learning, and attention issues often experience difficulty developing common social interaction skills by simply observing o...

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

  July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and the month offers organizations of all types and sizes a wonderful opportunity to create mental health awareness in diverse communities. In May 2008, the United States House of Representatives proclaimed July as Bebe Moore Campbell Nati...

Does your child need help making friends?

Friendships are more than just fun playmates they help children develop social skills like communication, cooperation, and solving problems. We are offering a summer social skills group for ages eight to seven that will help your child build friendships, strengthen communication skills, reduce an...

Enroll today for Budding Writers Group

Are you worried about your child’s handwriting skills? Come join us Monday and Wednesday August 17th, 19th, 24th, & 26th for our Budding Writers Group for ages three to five to help build the skills they need. This group will help your child form good habits that will carry over into their abilit...

National Minority Mental Health Month

In May of 2008, the US House of Representatives announce July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. The resolution was sponsored by Rep. Albert Wynn [D-MD] and cosponsored by a large bipartisan group to achieve two goals: Improve access to mental health treatm...

Who’s ready for Kindergarten?

Are you wondering if your child is ready for kindergarten? We would like to invite your child to take part in our Kindergarten Kickoff Group this summer. This group is only for children who will be attending kindergarten in the Fall of 2015. We will help your child get ready for the classroom set...

Does your child need support with peer interaction?

This summer we are offering a Sensory Play Social Skills Group for children ages five to seven. This group was designed to help encourage children to focus on positive social behavior, strengthen their social communication skills, and improve their peer interaction. Movement, sensory based strate...

Self-regulation, why it’s important?

Self-regulation helps to facilitate learning, sustain attention, complete tasks, and smooth transitions. The Calm, Alert, and Learning Group that we are offering this summer, is based on techniques from the Alert Program of Self-Regulation. If you think your child might benefit from learning diff...