Self-regulation, why it’s important?

Self-regulation helps to facilitate learning, sustain attention, complete tasks, and smooth transitions. The Calm, Alert, and Learning Group that we are offering this summer, is based on techniques from the Alert Program of Self-Regulation. If you think your child might benefit from learning diff...

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability  that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. There is often nothing about how individuals with ASD look that sets them apart from other people. However, individuals with ASD may communicate, interact, be...

Helpful Tips For Minimizing Sensory Overload

Children with sensory sensitivities often have trouble enjoying everyday activities like play dates, sports, and school functions. Extreme sensitivity to noise, crowds, touch, textures, bright lights, bothersome clothing, and new experiences are often so overwhelming for children with sensory pro...

Halloween Tips For Children With Sensory Sensitivities

Halloween is right around the corner! Most kids can’t wait to don their costumes and make their way through the neighborhood, but for children with sensory sensitivities like those associated with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Sensory Processing Disorder, Halloween can be stressful. At Ne...

Sensory Play Social Skills Group for 5-7 year olds

Our fall groups started last week and we are looking forward to 7 more weeks of growth, learning and fun. We still have space available in the Monday afternoon group from 4-5pm.  This group combines movement, sensory rich play and  social games to increase social skills. If you would like more ...